Illustrious Sir George Wise and Lady Margie

Greetings Nobles and Happy New Year,

I would first like to thank Illustrious Sir Ed Brown and Lady Tonjia for a job well done. With all the trials, troubles and difficulties Hadji experienced in 2020, Hadji is a better place because of your leadership.

I would like to congratulate my fellow elected Divan and their ladies and thank them for accepting their position to serve Hadji for the upcoming year. I would also like to congratulate the Appointed Divan, Staff, Elected Club and Unit Officers and their Ladies. I would like to thank the Nobility for your support and for the opportunity to serve Hadji as Potentate for 2021. I am honored and humbled that you have placed your trust and confidence in me. I promise that I will, to the best of my abilities, earn that trust and confidence.

Our great Fraternity is based on the principles of Fun, Fellowship and Masonic Values. Our motto for 2021
is LET’S HAVE FUN. I hope as the year gets better, we can have more Fund-Raising Events, that are
so very important to Hadji’s survival. We need to have fun events that nobles can be proud to invite their
friends and family to. Events where they can get to know us and what we do. Then, maybe they would like
to become a Mason and Shriner one day.

I intend to visit each unit where we can share our ideals and concerns. I ask that each unit if possible, have
a representative at the Information meeting on the 2nd Wednesday each month to get your input. The
Divan works for you. If we do not have your input, we cannot do our job properly.

I would like to invite each of you to the February Stated Session as we will be going over the budget for the
year. We are all in this together. I thank each of you for your service and dedication to this great fraternity.
I know we will have a great year together.

Let’s have fun helping kids, Let’s have fun taking care of Hadji and Let’s have fun in all that we do!

Your Potentate,
Illustrious Sir George Wise